Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Farm Legendries (Part 1)

Since the release of Patch 1.0.4, I have played the more of the actually game rather than the auction house. And I found out some really interesting tips that might make you farming lives a lot easier.

Part 1: To use Magic Find or Not to Use Magic Find

I have found in my gaming experience that magic find doesn’t help me in getting more legendries. Here are two examples in which magic find didn’t help me to get a legendary.  I was trying to level up my barbarian, so I joined an open game. After killing my first monster, I saw something unusual on the ground. Yup, you guessed it, it was a legendary. My barbarian doesn't have any magic find on his gear, so the drop was a bit unusual.

I remember another time when I found a legendary during a butcher run. After having all my stacks for the Nephalem Valor Buff and my character was Paragon level 3 (total magic find ~84%), we reached the warden. I was playing my wizard, so I was keeping my distance from the boss. A monster crawled up on the side of bridge and my shock wave killed it. To my surprise that monster dropped a legendary, not a good one, but still sellable at the auction house (100,000+ gold).

These events made me believe that the drop rate might be controlled. So I conducted some research.
I have found a post on the Diablo 3 forums ( ) stating that the drops rates are predetermined once you join a server. I did some more investigating to see if Blizzard themselves stated anything about magic find and how it can determine drop rates. This led me to the game guide ( ). Under the magic find section, the guide states that there are different types of drop such as magical items, 1- affix rare, 2-affix rare, and so on until legendary. So let’s say that Blizzard does predetermine the drops and your magic find will only increases the quality of the item. So a certain item for example a legendary, will only drop if the player gets lucky with a very low magic find or a player obtains it with a large amount of magic find. So forum the post, we can conclude that some servers might have legendaries while some other might not.  And Magic find will help increase the chances of a legendary dropping. But is it worth having bad dps but a very high magic find gear or an amazing dps but with low magic find.

Let’s say that you have a 2% chance of getting a legendary from every monster. And that you stacked up on the Nephalem Valor Buff, so that brings your magic find up to 75% without any additional magic find. So now your chances of finding a legendary from every monster you kill is at about 3%.

With 300% magic find and plus 75% from the Nephalem Valor Buff you have 375% magic find in total. So your total chance of finding a legendary from every monster you kill is at about 17%.

Putting this in perspective of every monster you kill, the results may look a bit different.

Only with the Nephalem Valor Buff, you have a chance of 3 monsters dropping a legendary out of 100 monsters.
With a magic find gear and with the Nephalem Valor Buff, you have a chance of 17 monsters dropping a legendary out of 100 monsters.
In summary, magic find gear is important in increasing you chances in finding a legendary. But we have to consider one more variable and that is how fast you kill monsters with and without magic find gear. If you can one shot enemies and kill elite mobs without much difficulty than it might be better than just having on magic find gear that gets you killed by every elite mob.

Stay tuned to part 2 on how you should build your character to farm legendaries.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Paragon System Used in PvP

The Paragon System could hold a long term purpose rather then just additional levels and +3 to GF/MF.  Reaching Paragon Level 100 will take a while and most people will quit after a few levels. So in order to keep player interest, Blizzard will release PvP.

How Paragon System Might Affect PvP

Blizzard can use the Paragon System to rank players according to their Paragon Level. So each match will consist of all players being at the same level. The only variables differentiating the players will be their gear,class and skill.


So lets say I am a wizard at Paragon Level 20. I will be facing other players with the same Paragon Level. If I win, my rank increases. Blizzard can even take this one step further by using a reward system.

Reward System in PvP:

If a player wins his/her match that player should be awarded with exp. And if a player is Paragon Level 100, the players will be fighting for a chance to win a random Legendary item.

If a player loses his/her match, they will lose exp.

Player Ranking:

Players will be ranked according to their Paragon Level and the amount of exp. So a Paragon Level 20 with 99% exp will most likely be in the highest spot.

What do you guys think? Is this a reasonable system that Blizzard should add to PvP? If not, why?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Auction House Wrap-Up (8/24/12)

After Patch 1.0.4, the market hasn't been the same. The price of gold has changed so much that even third party websites are being impacted, the prices for plans and crafting items have decreased, and character builds have changed due to the new Paragon System.


The latest update changed the way gold was being sold. Gold can now be sold at about any given price (as long as if it is above $1 and below $250). Third party websites are now adjusting their prices in order to be with in the scope of the Diablo 3 Market. Overall, players will now start to buy gold from the Diablo 3 Market rather than a third party website. With this patch, Blizzard has restored some confidence in the players to buy from the Auction House.

Plans and Crafting Materials

Majority of the plans are decreasing in value as players find out that the legendaries are not as powerful as they expected them to be or that there is a overflow of supply entering the market, which is causing an inflation. If you are planing on buying crafting materials and plans, I would hold out for a couple of days as the prices start to settle down.

Other Changes In the Market

With the Paragon System, magic find and gold find gear has gone up. Before the patch Markco and as well as the other writers on this blog pointed out that magic find gear will become valuable and it turns out that they are right. I bought several gear with 30% + magic find for less then 100k gold and now I have sold them all for more than 200k+ gold. What players are looking for now is magic find gear/gold find gear with primary stat plus a decent secondary stat such as vitality or critical chance.

In conclusion, Patch 1.0.4 was overall successful but Blizzard still needs to find a real end game solution instead of creating a new system (the Paragon System) that will most likely end up failing in a few weeks. PvP is needed to revive the Daiblo 3 community and help the market by attracting lost players.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Best Way to Make Diablo 3 Gold for Every Dollar

I just uploaded a video showing how to make gold by using your cash efficiently.

This is just as good or even BETTER than buying from a third party website.

If you want to check out more ways to make gold or money on the AH, check out this website.

Auction House Tracker
SteelSeries Diablo III Mouse 62151 (Google Affiliate Ad)Best Way to Make Diablo 3 Gold for Every Dollar

Diablo 3 Gold Guide

Make sure to subscribe and thumb up the video. I will be making more videos.
SteelSeries Diablo III Mouse 62151 (Google Affiliate Ad)